SUNDAY, 18 JULY 2010

I have become increasingly alarmed at how companies like Google and FaceBook are sucking up all the areas of the social interactive internet into one vast interconnected totalitarian structure.

Yes I know its driven by the obsessions of the owners to make even more vast amounts of money.

It worries me that every where I turn to places and sites on the Internet they intervene and it’s done with an open-faced niceness that belies their hidden agenda ..

OOOOH would you like to link to YouTube/ Twitter / Spotify etc etc …. ?

You do it . Then you find that you have inherited their policy and philosophy and nanny-minding, politically correct, health and safety limitations …

For this reason, I can no longer access, edit or upload to my YouTube Account … which YouTube robotic email replies say I have access to and that is not suspended but I should talk to Google.

I don’t talk to Google, you can not TALK to Google !

However I range around a load of FAQ’s and links which end with the above image saying that the account is “Permanently Disabled” …

… by linking my Mac Mail account to my Google account without my permission, they have prevented even me from setting up a new YouTube Account …

In effect, they have chained my Google to Mac Mail so, I cannot even set up a new YouTube Account.

All of this without the decency of getting in touch…. How bloody high handed is that?

OK !! I don’t really care but I am concerned that in the future, it wont just be a video up loading and sharing site ,

… it will be my, life my politics .. persish the thought, some happy-clappy mumbo-jumbo right wing christian-inanity…. and they think the Taliban are bad …. at least you know where you stand with them …..

During this blog it informed me that the image I wished to up load could reside on line at PISCA …..

So I thought, nice idea, and I followed the links

THEN, up popped Google again with its TOC …… you can guess ……

I declined.

If anyone knows a decently set blog that is out of the reaches of the sprawling tentacle clutches of the Google octopus …… please get in touch


Written :  SUNDAY, 18 JULY 2010

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